Implementation Of RTS-CTS-DATA-ACK Using NS-2.33

Simulation Process:
Simulation is done on NS-2. NS-2 is the mostly used software for simulation of Wireless Network model. In this simulation process of RTS-CTS-DATA-ACK model RTS-CTS-DATA-ACK.nam is generated which shows the entire RTS-CTS-DATA-ACK process.

Mac/Simple set bandwidth_ 1Mb



#set val(chan) Channel/WirelessChannel ; #Channel Type

set val(prop) Propagation/TwoRayGround ; # radio-propagation model

set val(netif) Phy/WirelessPhy ; # network interface type

set val(mac) Mac/802_11 ;# MAC type

#set val(mac) Mac ; # MAC type

#set val(mac) Mac/Simple

set val(ifq) Queue/DropTail/PriQueue ; # interface queue type

set val(ll) LL ; # link layer type

set val(ant) Antenna/OmniAntenna ; # antenna model

set val(ifqlen) 32768 ; # max packet in ifq

set val(rp) DumbAgent

set ns [new Simulator]

set f [open w]

$ns trace-all $f

$ns eventtrace-all
set nf [open rts-cts-data-ack.nam w]

$ns namtrace-all-wireless $nf 700 200

# set up topography object
set topo [new Topography]

$topo load_flatgrid 700 200

$ns color 3 green;
$ns color 8 red;
$ns color 1 black;
$ns color 7 purple;
$ns color 6 tan;
$ns color 2 orange;

# Create God
create-god 3

#set mac0 [new Mac/802_11]

$ns node-config -adhocRouting $val(rp) \
-llType $val(ll) \
-macType $val(mac) \
-ifqType $val(ifq) \
-ifqLen $val(ifqlen) \
-antType $val(ant) \
-propType $val(prop) \
-phyType $val(netif) \
-channelType Channel/WirelessChannel \
-topoInstance $topo \
-agentTrace ON \
-routerTrace OFF \
-macTrace ON \
-movementTrace OFF

for {set i 0} {$i < 3} {incr i} {
set node_($i) [$ns node]
$node_($i) random-motion 0

$node_(0) color black
$node_(1) color black
$node_(2) color black

$node_(0) set X_ 200.0
$node_(0) set Y_ 30.0
$node_(0) set Z_ 0.0

$node_(1) set X_ 330.0
$node_(1) set Y_ 150.0
$node_(1) set Z_ 0.0

$node_(2) set X_ 60.0
$node_(2) set Y_ 30.0
$node_(2) set Z_ 0.0

$ns at 0.6 "$node_(2) setdest 330.0 30.0 10000.0"
$ns at 1.1 "$node_(2) setdest 500.0 30.0 10000.0"

# Subclass Agent/MessagePassing to make it do flooding

Class Agent/MessagePassing/Flooding -superclass Agent/MessagePassing

Agent/MessagePassing/Flooding instproc recv {source sport size data} {
$self instvar messages_seen node_
global ns 1

# extract message ID from message
set message_id [lindex [split $data ":"] 0]
puts "\nNode [$node_ node-addr] got message $message_id\n"

if {[lsearch $messages_seen $message_id] == -1} {
lappend messages_seen $message_id
$ns trace-annotate "[$node_ node-addr] received {$data} from $source"
$ns trace-annotate "[$node_ node-addr] sending message $message_id"
$self sendto $size $data 1 $sport

} else {
$ns trace-annotate "[$node_ node-addr] received redundant message $message_id from $source"

Agent/MessagePassing/Flooding instproc send_message {size message_id data port} {
$self instvar messages_seen node_
global ns MESSAGE_PORT 1

lappend messages_seen $message_id
$ns trace-annotate "[$node_ node-addr] sending message $message_id"
$self sendto $size "$message_id:$data" 1 $port

# Attach a new Agent/MessagePassing/Flooding to each node on port $MESSAGE_PORT
for {set i 0} {$i < 3} {incr i} {
set a($i) [new Agent/MessagePassing/Flooding]
$node_($i) attach $a($i) $MESSAGE_PORT
$a($i) set messages_seen {}

$ns at 0.1 "$a(0) send_message 500 1 {first_message} $MESSAGE_PORT"
$ns at 0.1 "$a(2) send_message 500 2 {second_message} $MESSAGE_PORT"

$ns at 0.8 "$a(0) send_message 500 5 {fifth_message} $MESSAGE_PORT"
$ns at 0.8 "$a(2) send_message 500 6 {sixth_message} $MESSAGE_PORT"

$ns at 1.3 "$a(2) send_message 500 15 {fifteenth_message} $MESSAGE_PORT"
$ns at 1.3 "$a(0) send_message 500 16 {sixteenth_message} $MESSAGE_PORT"

for {set i 0} {$i < 3} {incr i} {
$ns initial_node_pos $node_($i) 30
$ns at 20.0 "$node_($i) reset";

$ns at 20.0 "finish"
$ns at 20.1 "puts \"NS EXITING...\"; $ns halt"

proc finish {} {
global ns f nf val
$ns flush-trace
close $f
close $nf


puts "Starting Simulation..."

$ns run

Simulation Result:

Sender sends RTS to Receiver:

Receiver sends back CTS to Sender:

 Sender sends DATA to Receiver:

 Receiver sends back ACK to Sender:

DATA WAITING during data transfer from another node: